Today is my birthday.
Happy Birthday to me! 8^)
I'm 49 years young, and in fairly good health.
My diet could stand some improvement, and it is gradually improving once again.
And my life could do with a few upgrades since I'm not exactly where I'd like to be just yet.
And the point of this blog is to share a bit of myself with the world, thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, pictures, stories, and more.
"Who Am I? What Do I Want? Where Am I Going?" from Babylon 5 by J. Michael Straczynski
The answer to that from Theosophist/Spiritualist/Guru within in me states the mantra,
"I Am That I Am! I Am One With All That Is. I Am My Own Guru/Master." Now, I know that there is no separation, beyond the limited perception of 'normal' human consciousness. Through a lifetime of experiences I've come to believe that ultimately, everything and everyone is always connected. We are all One. So why is it that I so often forget these basic truths and sometimes doubt them altogether? It must be part and parcel of my life-lessons, my learning process for this lifetime.
And all the answers still locked inside of the frightened eight year old child within me are just beginning to become clear. This child, who has yet to develop his fine voice and clearly tell me what he needs, what he knows, and all he remembers has begun a process of revelation. In turn, although I sometimes ignore his fears and push through with struggle and strife through the roadblocks on the path that has built my life. I sometimes still my mind, waiting and listening for his opinion to chime in, and occasionally he surprises me.
This blog will include current musings as well as select writings from my past, finally revealed, now that the time has come to share them.
Thank you for joining me in this shared reality. ~Chad~